hayfella at smileyrunner wrote 'The world is on the cusp. Poised between winter and spring. You get the feeling it could go either way; slip back into winter's sleety grey, like yesterday, or continue inexorably forward into spring's warmer embrace'
so come on ladies, gents and all our canine friends JOIN THE DEBATE NOW!
For 'its nearly spring'birds are tweeting earlier in the mornings
its getting lighter earlier and darker later
the easter eggs are out in the shops
the dfs winter sale ads have stopped
the fields are filling with gambling lambs
theres already talk of the summer transfer window
the salads at work are getting better
For 'it's still winter'just pop outside and see
we still light the fire every night
the headtorch is
the must have piece of kit still
my shorts haven't seen the light of day yet
charlie still has a full coat and hasn't had his customary lean mean shave yet
everyone keeps banging on about the snow and how cold it is
we're still drinking red wine and not much white
the hills are pretty empty :)
we still haven't booked a summer holiday
there's a few starters for ten but we want to hear what
you think! is it nearly spring??? or is it still winter??? or do you not care?
vote and have your say now!